hey hey havent been blogging for a while, u people miss me dont u!!
hi! i have been good, well shimys back to skool though, the wonderful holiday has ended, i miss u all friends in shanghai, thanks for making my holiday a very special one! haha!
well back here, welcome matt, eric, and many more for searching me on google and finding this wonderful blog. u like it? i noe is good right, and i noe u like my background chris! hahaha
newington college is getting more fun, i guess i noe more people now i guess and feel more comfortable in it i guess. u noe, boys skool is not as bad as i thought, is pretty fun.... but ofcourse not as fun as ssis.
theres no one to get crazy with here u noe! haha there is no anna to shout at, there is no hilary to laugh at, there is no mark to copy homework off, there is no christy to sing around with, there is no amanda to annoy, there is no maccy to talk about..u noe wat! hahaha!! and lots more....i miss all of those stuff man! i love u all!
I Played @